Is Working From Home the Right Choice for You?

Is Working From Home the Right Choice for You?

Is Working From Home the Right Choice for You?

If you’ve just recently started your hunt for a work at home job, you definitely have a romanticized image in your mind of what it’s like to be able to work from home. You probably envision yourself waking up whenever you want, slipping your feet into fuzzy slippers, and scurrying to the kitchen to make some coffee, then scurrying to your office to put in another wonderful day at work, and later going to the mailbox to pick up your weekly paycheck, which is likely to be in the several thousand dollar range. I’m sorry to shatter your bubble, but that isn’t how things operate in our world. Actually, let me explain that by saying that it does not always function in this manner.
The reality is that working from home is often far more difficult than working in an office setting. Scammers and exaggerated business opportunity advertisements have led us to believe that working from home is very simple. We just relax on a tropical beach before returning to our offices to collect our salaries. I’m sure you’ve seen advertisements similar to this. Those of us who currently work from home are well aware of the dangers!
Before starting a work from home career, there are a few things you should consider:

What kind of income do you hope to earn?

If you wish to work as a telecommuter for an employer, you can expect to earn less than you would if you worked in an office setting. If you work from home, a position that pays $11.00 an hour in the normal employment might pay $7 or $8 an hour. Of course, there are certain exceptions. Virtual assisting jobs, web design and graphics jobs, medical transcribing and coding tasks, and other professional occupations are likely to pay much more than a basic data entry or customer support work, for example. Many work from home positions do not pay on an hourly basis, however. If you work in data entry, you could be paid by the piece, and if you work in telephone sales, you might be paid by “talk minute” (only those minutes you are actually on the phone with a customer.)

Are you in need of benefits?

Benefits such as health insurance and life insurance are not provided by the vast majority of work from home employers. There are, once again, exceptions.


There are businesses that will recruit you as a real “employee,” and they will deduct taxes from your salary as a result of your employment. However, some employers may only hire you as a “independent contractor,” which means you would be liable for your own taxes.

Availability for work

It is critical to realize that if you are employed as an independent contractor, your company is under no obligation to supply you with any work. Most businesses have peak and off-peak season periods for their operations. Working 40-50 hours a week during the busy season is normal; but, when the quiet season comes, you may find yourself struggling to secure even 10 hours of work per week. If your income is very essential to your family’s well-being, keep this in mind. Many individuals, on the other hand, choose to hold down many jobs at the same time. If one slows down, the other just increases the amount of time they spend working for them.

What level of motivation do you have?

If you are the kind of person who needs a nudge in the right direction to get things done, working from home will be very difficult for you. The discipline it takes to get down to the computer each day, log in and really DO WORK is very difficult to muster. If you allow them to, there are a plethora of distractions in the house that will draw you away from your job. You must maintain a high level of concentration and establish a routine for yourself, just as you would if you were working outside the house.

Do you like to be alone?

Working from home may be isolating. If you thrive on social contact, you may find it difficult to adapt to working by yourself. However, spending time with friends on a regular basis or joining certain online organizations to talk with like-minded individuals may help to alleviate this stress.


Some companies may need you to follow a particular fixed schedule, while others may be more flexible, enabling you to establish your own hours and work when it is convenient for you. Examine your options and choose which timetable would be most beneficial for you. When I initially chose to work from home, I made the mistake of selecting a profession that required me to adhere to a strict schedule, which I despised! Living on someone else’s schedule was one of the things I despised about working outside the house, and it had slipped my mind until now. Consider your preferred method of working and make your selection.


So many moms want to work from home in order to be able to raise their own children rather than sending them to daycare or a preschool. Working from home with young children underfoot, on the other hand, is not an easy job! It is not impossible, but it is highly dependent on the ages of your children and the kind of job you are doing at home at the time of writing. For telephone jobs, most companies would demand a very calm environment, which is difficult to provide if you have young children at home. It’s also impossible to work while stopping to amuse the children every few minutes, unless you want to put in a very long day at the computer to make up for all of the distractions. Certainly, there are things you can do to make things simpler, such as having a neighbor teenager come in for a few hours to babysit your children while you work, or working just when your husband is home and can keep an eye on the children.

Choosing job that brings you joy is important

This is very crucial! You’re probably thinking right now, “I don’t care what kind of job I perform as long as it results in a salary.” But think again. I can assure you such attitude will not endure long. As previously said, working from home will need you to be very self-motivated and self-disciplined, and your job will be much simpler if you like what you do! Consider the kind of person you are, as well as the type of job that best fits your personality. Are you a free-spirited and creative person, or are you a hardworking and efficient person? Give some consideration to your “ideal” of working from home, and then look for a career (or company) that will match your goals and preferences.

Do you even want a “job” in the first place?

When some individuals decide they want to “work from home,” they don’t necessarily desire a traditional 9-to-5 job. What they really want is the ability to establish their own schedules and perform work that they like doing. It is definitely feasible to discover such characteristics in a profession, but doing so may be challenging. This may apply to you, in which case you might consider establishing your own company and concentrating on your current skills and abilities. I believe that many people are put off by this concept because it seems to be so overpowering. However, this is something that individuals do on a daily basis! It’s not difficult at all. If you have an interest in business but don’t know much about it, start studying about it! There are a plethora of excellent materials available on the internet nowadays. If you’re still unsure about what kind of work from home is ideal for you, grab a piece of paper and a pen out of your drawer. Start with writing the following phrase at the beginning of the page: I want to work from home because…, and then write down as many different ways you can finish that sentence. For example, if the majority of your responses have to do with independence and passionate, meaningful work, a “career” may not be the greatest option for you.
Whatever kind of job you choose, you should be aware that working from home may be tough and time-consuming. However, for the vast majority of those who participate, it is also a great experience. Personally, I wouldn’t change it for anything in the world. And, if you discover the perfect career or company for you, you will most likely experience the same emotions.
If reading this article has given you the idea that working from home is not for you, remember that you have the ability to alter your mind if you really want to. If you’re not feeling very driven, put some effort into it. Every day, set little tasks for yourself to overcome in order to improve your degree of self-discipline. In the event that you need health benefits, you should continue looking for a job that offers them, or look into alternative options such as cheap health insurance for the self-employed. If your determination is strong enough, you will be able to achieve your goals! Never give up on your aspirations. They are worth fighting for.

Halo, Saya adalah penulis artikel dengan judul Is Working From Home the Right Choice for You? yang dipublish pada 05/07/2021 di website Nagaiki Berita Media

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